The introduction. My story. What I stand for? Where I come from? How I choose to live? Who do I choose to live my life with? As a teen there comes that time when you wanna fit in but come on its 09 and honestly fitting in is overrated. Creating your own legacy and being your own person is what's in. If there's any kind of trend I'm going to follow that's what it is. I choose the path I decide to walk on and if a person decides to step in my way they better have a good plan to get me off track.
Come September I'm officially a senior and that means I'm on my way to college. Being a Fashion Journalist is the career I'm headed for. I've always wanted to do Journalism and writing is more than a hobby its my life. Fashion is what I desire and I tune into those boring award shows just to criticize the looks. I love being one step ahead of coming trends and I've personally styled a couple of friends already. LOL. So get ready for me because I'm THE YOUNG UP AND COMiNG & Sooner rather than later I'll be all over your t.v. screen whether you like it or not. I wanna become a household name and that's exactly what I'm going to do. And I don't mind the hustle and bustle as long as there's a party at the end of the day. So welcome to TiNA RENEÈ'S EVERYDAY LiFE. The b.s. but the good times too. Hope you enjoy because there's more to come.
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