Saturday, October 24, 2009


Tonight is one of those real mellow nights. Turn the t.v. off, turn the radio down and let the slow jams come through your speakers in a real low tone. The rain is so soothing to me for some reason. I feel some sense of relaxation when the rain falls and I lay in bed. Like tonight is going to be a good night and my dreams are going to be calming and very soothing just because that's what the rain does. Rainy nights are those nights when you realize that you wish there was someone else here with you. Just to add a little more comfort and a little more warmth. The night is so calming makes me want to just lay here in silence, in the dark just so that I can finally think clearly.
(Seems like I lose one follower on the same day that I gain a follower on twitter everyday. That's kind of annoying to me like really. But oh well.)
I'm going back to my clear thoughts and relaxation seems like if I don't now I won't ever. Hope your nights are as peaceful as mines. MUAHZzz!!