Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Years Resolution

Now that the partying is over. No more underage drinking or getting wasted. It is now 2010 and time to step up and be a focused young adult. High school is coming to an end and college is the next step. So it's time to make resolutions that I can stick to. Every new year we all make the same resolution. A dedication to losing the belly fat or becoming someone completely different. I'm thinking more along the lines of taking steps to becoming a women. Taking risk and not being afraid of disappointment and heartbreak. Time to stop saying I will and just do it. Come September I'll be eighteen and a college student but I'm more focus on enjoying seventeen and making sure not to rush the time. That begins with making a list. Not just any list, and not a list consisting of things I want to change but things I want to better.
One of my resolutions is to understand who I am and where am headed. Yes, it may be to early to think about where I want to be in ten years but there's nothing wrong with setting up a guideline; a set of goals, something like a temporary outline for my life. Think about it, something you can turn to as a reference. Of course your sure to fall off the track but you can refer to that outline in order to step back into the path you are dedicated to be on. Be the designated driver of your life and allow the obstacles to become cars that you may meet up with at a red light but as soon as it turns green your headed back to greatness.
Let's forget about losing that 100 pounds before summer and think about life beyond seasons. Explore things we aren't used to, like if your a hip-hop fan try and explore jazz maybe a little indie rock. Try reading different books or watching movies beyond comedy's and mysteries. Everything you explore can truly be apart of a world you never imagined and actually create a change for the better. So let's start with step one; making a list. Let's see what 2010 has in store for us!

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